Lately I've been doing a lot of working and sleeping. I've been working on scripts and I wrote a few songs that woke me up and forced me to write them in the bathroom at 4am... But really my creative and personal projects have been pretty slow lately. However! I was lured out of my winter cave and out into the cold and rainy streets of Seattle twice last week! Once was to see Kaz's band, WAMU, play. It was a great show and they played at this old house that is now being lived in but used to be abandoned when I was sixteen and first moved out of home. I used to break into the house with a boy I was with and it was there I learned how to pick locks. Also it was there that I first saw a rat. A pot of water with dead rats floating in it, to be exact.

The other time I went out last week was to go to a Shelter party thrown by my friends Anna and Rose It was a Factory Party and I was going to go dressed as Nico or Moe Tucker but I had work that night and was lazy so I just made up a factory girl... Tennessee Rose is a pretty good factory name already, anyways. None of the photos in this post are mine! Some are by Anna, some by Rose, and some by Stella Rose.