The Nomura family grave is one of the bigger graves in the cemetary. It has the ashes of all the Nomura men and their wives from way back when. Kaz's mom told me that when her and Kaz's dad die their ashes will be here and that when Kaz and I die our ashes will be here. I might have to split my ashes so that some of me can be in America with my family...
Cleaning the alter and putting out all of Nomura Jiisan's (Kaz's father's father) favorite treats
We brought a tape player that played some sort of chant tape and lit incense. Then we each took turns holding the prayer beads, ringing the prayer bell, and saying our prayers.
Ayaka cleaning the alter
Nomura Obaachan praying to her husband
Otousan praying to his father
Kaz and I
This camera went really wide screened for some reason so we all look a bit thick... After it was over we packed everything up and went home to eat all of Jiisan's favorite treats that we'd taken to the alter.
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