Chii san cutting up pears for us. We got to Matsumoto and it was surprising cool. Still humid but there was a nice breeze and the mountains surrounding us made it feel quiet and pleasantly warm instead of dirty and sweaty and sweltering. Chii san met us at the train station and brought us back to her parents sushi restaurant where her and her family proceeded to stuff us full of the worlds best sushi! But first came fruit... Oranges...
The sushi has arrived! They get their wasabi fresh from the mountains and its still kind of grainy and natural looking. It tastes so good that I would be happy to just eat the wasabi. But look at this! We each got one of this plate, miso soup, three side dishes including tiny fishes (Kaz's grandmother always tells me to eat a lot of the tiny fish because of the calcium), and tsukemono (pickled vegtables).
Then they brought us the worlds best fried chicken...
And then a piece of a huge sweet roll of sushi and the tofu pouch sushi with tuna and fish eggs. In this picture you can also see the little fish and the tsukemono...
Chii san!
Chii san and her childhood friend Nami san
Chii san drinks water just like me! Finally I was able to have someone else tell Kaz that drinking a lot of water IS actually good for you!
After the meal we decided to go for a walk
We went first to a little bar that was really colorful and was playing techno music. We ordered drinks and eavesdropped to the people around us...
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